Varicose veins of the lower extremities: symptoms and treatment

Varicose disease of the lower extremities occur for a variety of reasons, which can be attributed to 3 groups: the breach of blood clotting, vessel wall damage, a sluggish change of the surrounding tissues. Etiology factor affects the treatment, but medical care medications is not possible to narrow down a more accurate plot of the vein.

varicose veins on the legs

Tools ven supports blood vessel tone, but is unable to restore the functional deficiency (valves, leading of stagnation.

Varicose disease: causes

When high blood clotting are created in the prerequisites of blood clots. Hormonal changes cause disturbances in the heart rate of decline of the tone of venous walls, stand on changes.

Damage to the venous wall may be traumatic, the physical, chemical, bacterial. If autoimmune disease thinning occurs venous wall due to the damage the antibodies. If a small physical load to be distributed over the hedges accumulation in the blood.

The increased pressure in the blood vessels may occur at the expense of compression pressure on the surrounding tissue. Varicose veins if such a combination is complex. Obviously, the risk of venous ulcer formation.

Precipitating factors of varicose veins of the lower extremities:

  • Obesity – the negative varicose veins. Excess fat increases the pressure on veins, which will contribute to resist change;
  • Wrong diet, alcohol products, together with the vegetable fibers is conducive to the violation of vascular permeability. Increase in food vegetable fibres allows to reduce the collection of toxins in the intestine. Sedentary lifestyle — this is an important factor that leads to obesity, disturbances in venous blood flow;
  • Most people are prone to the risk of complications, if a sitting or an upright position. The negative impact of damage to the valves of the veins. Corsets and tight laundry including packing ven groin area. Increased abdominal pressure if the external pressure on the veins and blood vessels for a long time, become a reason for the sluggish changes of the lower extremities;
  • Wearing shoes with high heels – not physiological. The procedure is conducive to the stretching of bone and ligament aquious apparatus, which way to stand the changes the veins;
  • Valves it is possible to completely cover the vessel, including standing changes in the lower extremities. In the midst of the pathology of the walls of the venous system in overtraining, forming a venous nodes;
  • Genetic predisposition is formed due to the mutation of the apparatus of the gene, which is responsible for the structure of the walls of the veins. If the errors in a protein increases vascular permeability, is formed by the permanent inflammatory changes, swelling through the sweat of the liquid through the broken membrane. The weakness of the sinking leads to increased venous pressure. The result – varicose veins;
  • Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy cause increased estrogen and progesterone, that influence the formation of vascular hüübimisfaktor blood. Reduction of the tone of the venous wall in the background pathology of the five strain and clogged blood vessels;
  • Diabetes is a disease that leads to reduce glucose levels in the blood, which creates a favorable environment for the development of blood clots;
  • Alcohol abuse leads to thickening of the blood, increases blood clotting in blood vessels;
  • The long walk, required a sedentary position – precipitating factors varicose veins;
  • Inadequate nutrition, weight gain, slow motion blood flow to the heart the development of stagnation is precipitating factors, pathology;
  • Chronic constipation accompanied by increased abdominal pressure, difficulty of blood outflow from the lower extremities;
  • Fluid loss under the influence of intense sunlight leads to thickening of the blood, accelerate the blood clots;
  • Venous blood samples for the event, congenital malformations contribute to the pathology of cardiovascular activities;
  • Overdose medication increases blood clotting, resulting in clogged blood vessels blood clots;
  • Surgical intervention has helped to improve the blood volume, increases the likelihood of thromboembolism.
varicose veins ven

Varicose veins and feet – it polietiologic disease. Patients with usually there are some reasons that lead to the development of nosology.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities: symptoms and treatment

Signs of varicose veins specific diagnostics. The distinction between 2 forms of the disease characteristics etiology factors – primary, secondary.

The primary form is associated with the weakness of the venous walls, emerging under the influence of congenital or acquired factors. The second shape is developed under the influence of the rest of the grounds.

Causes of varicose disease of the legs:

  • Swelling, of the skin the skin;
  • Violation of skin pigmentation (dark);
  • Pain syndrome in the evenings and days in the second half;
  • Trophic skin disorders (eczema, dermatitis).

Primary varicose veins are related to the weakness of the walls of veins, development of obesity the growth of connective tissue fibers. The secondary disease will breach as a result of the venous drainage of the injury and tumors. The degree of elevated stretching of venous walls is unpredictable. The pathology of increased risk of thromboembolism, which may end in a fatal result. Usually a blood clot localized on the feet, but there have been instances of embolism of venous system of the arms or the abdomen.

The secondary complication, disease — trophic ulcers. Even a small scratch in the breach trophism can help the formation of ulcers errors on the legs. With the pathology of difficult to cope with the return of the doctor. The treatment lasts for dozens of years, therefore it must be the right time to appeal to phlebologist.

Every day, doctors are faced with the bleeding. If the disease works, the vienna representative of the skin. Pathology way than to thrombophlebitis which is an irreversible impact. Constantly keep an eye on the state of the venous system to clarify the state. In order to avoid the pathological change must be linked to thrombophlebitis, with irreparable consequences.

The uniqueness of the extended walls of the veins is that this pain syndrome arises only in the initial stage. Gradually the receptors will adapt to the pain, so that what broad is the way, the less expressed valuaisting.

Symptoms veenilaiendidtion expand early:

  • Seal;
  • Redness;
  • Burning sensation;
  • Pain.

Through venous valves the blood should not move in the opposite direction. If their deficiency develops in reverse in the bloodstream, which is developing stagnation. Blood accumulation in a certain court creates preconditions for forming of blood clots. Such an image is traceable to the infringement of the technology of treatment of varicose veins. Injection site was inflamed, which creates opportunities for the education of a blood clot, increase in the adhesive properties of the vascular walls.

Classification thrombophlebitis downstream:

  • Sharp;
  • Chronic.
causes of varicose veins

Acute thrombophlebitis is developing rapidly. The location of the localization of the varicose veins occur pain, redness of the skin, enlargement of the veins.

The chronic period is not characterised by strong marking. Pain syndrome pathology is periodic. The patient's concerns about pain after physical load. The swelling disappears, the elastic pressed. Patients are recommended to apply special ties.

Medical and operative treatment

Medical treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities do not allow to completely get rid of pathology. Infringement of permeability of walls of blood vessels, sluggish changes, the new blood clot, which needs to be treated immediately to prevent thromboembolism of the pulmonary arteries and the deathly result. For this purpose use special tools and anticoagulants in the form of oral tablets, local cream.

In addition, the medical preparation is people, treatment, physiotherapy (magnetic story "bike", contraindications). To get rid of skin rash recommended the broth of oak bark, chamomile, st. john's wort.

Operation instructions varicose veins feet – types, treatment principles

The above described methodology is currently being implemented less frequently, because there is more application of the operation.

Sclerotherapy – introduction intravenously with an adhesive substance, which in the early stages of the disease due to multiple sessions eliminate the varicose veins. The procedure requires the introduction of node varicose veins special substance promote the overgrowing lumen of the vein.

Coagulation of the damaged veins laser – modern times, which allows to produce the excision of the tissue with a knife.

Indications of the activities phlebectomy:

  • A significant expansion of the subcutaneous veins;
  • The risk of thromboembolism;
  • Trophic disorders of the skin;
  • Acute thrombophlebitis;
  • Edema, expressed as fatigue of the patient.

Not to do surgery during pregnancy, severe infections, coronary artery disease, inflammation of the lower extremities pyoderma, eczema. The only way the disease treatment, if the varicose veins of the deep veins with the aim of correction of the work of the valve apparatus – a surgical operation.

Laser therapy is indicated for the treatment of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, urinary tract scope, increase blood pressure, if operative intervention contraindicated.

Getting rid of the bad blood vessel image according to the testimony of can be through radio frequency coagulation. Dignity operation — valutus, there is no cosmetic defect of the skin disorders, the ability to work.

It seems at sclerotherapy disease – a disease if a bilateral doppler ultrasound, varicose veins in the beginning. Return procedure – exposure to the sclerosant deep vein, reducing the efficiency of the treatment of advanced cases.

Treatment of varicose veins, chronic disease

Chronic varicose must correctly implement elastic compression. For this purpose has been developed the program:

  1. Packing knitting the 1-2 class, where 0 degrees;
  2. Elastic pressure piece measures 1-2 class mono pharmacotherapy, physiotherapy than 1 degree;
  3. If 3-4 degrees is recommended for the elastic pressure from the present 2-3 classes of continuous pharmacotherapy, the local treatment ointments, physical therapy.
treatment of varicose veins

The incorrect use of certain types of treatments are protected by a standardized scheme of treatment veenilaiendidtion extended to the above medications. To determine the multiplicity, the dose can be only a doctor.

Even if the magnetic varicose veins of the lower extremities will be implemented strictly indications. After the procedure should be to assess the character of local changes.